Wednesday, 7 January 2009

147. 'Look At Your Game, Girl'

I think of Manson locked away,
an American idle who
said “no sense
makes sense”.

I think of the way
those kids must have had to
scoop up Sharon Tate’s blood
to do that writing

and what it must
have felt like when
the fork slid into
Leno LaBianca’s swollen belly.

I think of this when
I do the vocals for
our version of his
meandering poetry

I think of Manson
and I think:
that could
have been me.


Anonymous said...

I love reading novels and poetry. I like this poem which is about a small town boy that became an internationally famous rock star. Very inspiring!

Stan Jones - "Wedding and Invitation"

david said...

Yeah right poems are great they inspire every individual by saying what is in their thoughts.

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